Monday, January 6, 2020

Cmn 277 Essay - 2505 Words

Communication 277: Introduction to Mediated Communication Spring 2012 Study Guide for Examination #2 This study guide is organized by lecture topics. Within each topic is listed the major areas that may be included on the examination. You are responsible for the content that falls within each major area. I. Lecture content from before Examination #1 A) Regulation of Media Content 1) Ways government can regulate speech 1. Law: passed by some government body 2. Agency regulation: FCC-Federal communications commission 3. Court decision regarding a law or regulation 4. Pressure/threats 2) Elements protecting the media 1. First amendment and specific laws/regulations 2.†¦show more content†¦Multiple causes model X X Y X b. Mutual causation model X Y c. Intervening model (not directly) X Z Y 3. Alternative causal models One-way model here is false a. Reverse causation model X Y b. Third-factor model X Y Z 3) Data collection methods: description, advantages, and disadvantages of content analysis, surveys, and experiments 1. Content analysis Numerical description of media a. Advantages Identifies what is in the media message that starts in message b. Disadvantages By itself, cannot demonstrate cause and effect 2. Surveys Asking representative sample, external validity a. Advantages 1) Representative sample of people 2) Measures naturally occurring events b. Disadvantages 1) Limited to questions 2) Cannot measure time order 3. Experiments Expose people to something: measure effects, internal, validity a. Advantages 1) Can observe/manipulate events 2) Can observe time order b. Disadvantages 1) Often uses limited sample of people 2) Artificial setting and situations C) Uses and Gratifications Theories 1) Uses and Gratifications defined and the uses and gratifications model 1. Defined What happens before and during media

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